Sunday, July 6, 2008

Cowboys and Indians (mile 1336)

I have crossed over into North Dakota and now have probably under two weeks to go. I'm getting excited to get back but I have been seeing a lot of interesting parts of the country. A few days ago, after a long day of riding, I arrived in a very small town expecting to set up my tent and have a nice quiet night. Of course, that night just happened to be the night of their big town event, a rodeo that apparently people from all over the area come to see and a street dance. Two days later, while I was traveling through a reservation (I was warned that I should try not to stay there because it has one of the highest murder rates in the country) I happened upon a pow wow which I decided to stop in at. They had beautifully ornate outfits and traditional dances to drums and dancing.

Today I crossed over into North Dakota and I am spending the day in Wiliston, ND with an old friend of my uncles. We had an amazing dinner at his brother's house and I was able to do some well needed maintenance on Anna. I need to make sure to make it to a bike store because I have gone through all of my spare tubes and I am almost out of patch kits (I think I have had about 9 flats so far...) So far, I have been surviving the terrible heat and the terrible swarms of mosquitoes and gnats which even get me when I am on my bike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,
I have been following your trip from the beginning and am amazed at your perseverance. Am sure the beautiful scenery and interesting people make it all worthwhile. Will look forward to your next segment---and hope you find a bike shop SOON! Be Careful in the hot temps.